Press Release
Assemblyman Gordon’s statement on Governor Brown’s Judicial Appointments
Assemblyman Gordon’s statement on Governor Brown’s Judicial Appointments
SACRAMENTO, CA - Assemblyman Rich Gordon (Menlo Park), Chair of the Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Caucus, released the following statement in response to data released today by Governor Brown on judicial appointments.
“I am very heartened by the data released today by Governor Brown on judicial appointments. It is surely a sign of the times when lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals are entrusted to render fair and impartial interpretations of the law without regard to their sexual orientation. These men and women serve a valuable role in ensuring that everyone gets a fair shake in our justice system.
I applaud the Governor’s efforts to appoint judges that are reflective of the rich diversity of this great state.”
Originally formed in 2002, the LGBT Caucus serves as a forum for the California Legislature to discuss issues that affect LGBT Californians and to further the goal of equality and justice for all residents in the State. Comprised of both Senate and Assembly members, the LGBT Caucus members include: Speaker John A. Pérez; Assemblymembers Tom Ammiano, Toni Atkins, Susan Eggman; Senators Cathleen Galgiani, Ricardo Lara, and Mark Leno. The Caucus’ formation made California the first state in the country to recognize an official caucus of openly-LGBT state legislators.
Media Contact:
William Kim
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