California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus Sends Key Legislation to Governor’s Desk, Advancing Supports for LGBTQ+ Californians
SACRAMENTO, CA — Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman and Assemblymember Chris Ward, Chair and Vice Chair of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus, are proud to announce that12 priority bills and 5 endorsed bills advanced to the Governor’s Desk. These pieces of legislation provide protections and supports to benefit LGBTQ+ Californians, ensuring that our state remains a safe haven for LGBTQ+ community members.
“This has been another incredible legislative year for our Caucus.” Said Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman, Chair of the LGBTQ Caucus. “The package of bills we have sent to the Governor reflects our commitment to uplift our community in all aspect of their lives. I also want to thank Governor Newsom for his steadfast championship of our community. Our partnership in advocating for the LGBTQ+ community is what continue to make California a leader in equity and equality across the nation.”
“I am proud of our LGBTQ Caucus’s diligence in advancing a robust legislative package to provide comprehensive, lifesaving support and resources for our community members. From civil restitution to health and educational equity to environmental justice to foster youth support, and more, our Caucus remained steadfast in addressing key issues that impact LGBTQ+ Californians.” Said Assemblymember Chris Ward, Vice Chair of the LGBTQ Caucus. “I am grateful we live in California, where we have one of – if not the – strongest LGBTQ+ allies in Governor Gavin Newsom, and I look forward to the final outcome of our priority pieces of legislation.”
Key LGBTQ Caucus Priority Legislation that was advanced this session includes, but is not limited to:
- AB 1955 (Ward), Support Academic Futures & Educators for Today’s Youth Act (SAFETY Act): Protects LGBTQ+ students against forced outings and provides critical supports and resources for parents and families to work on acceptance on their own terms –
- SB 729 (Menjivar), Fertility Treatment Coverage: While other states are rolling back protections for fertility treatment, such as IVF, this bill would enshrine coverage for fertility care, supporting Californians’ family-building journey – Pending Governor’s Signature.
- SB 957 (Wiener), SOGI Data Collection: Enhances analysis of health disparities by ensuring the California Department of Public Health collects sexual orientation and gender identity data – Pending Governor’s Signature.
- SB 1491 (Eggman and Atkins), LGBTQ+ Higher Education Equity: Provides much-needed support to LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff at both public and private colleges and universities in California – Pending Governor’s Signature.
- AB 2477 (Zbur), Foster Youth Cash Savings: Clarifies that foster youth transitioning to adulthood have the ability to grow the best financial safety net as possible while in foster care.
Additionally, the LGBTQ Caucus advanced additional priority legislation, providing comprehensive support and resources for our community, including civil restitution for victims of doxing, which disproportionately impacts LGBTQ+ individuals; protection for access to preventive health services for HIV and STI screening as well as contraceptives; enhanced HIV data sharing; inclusivity in the juror process; culturally competent disaster relief and preparedness; and a statewide LGBTQ+ commission. Endorsed legislation advanced also furthers California’s efforts to ban book bans, enhance civil rights enforcement, and increased awareness in SOGI data reporting.
While the results of our priority and endorsed pieces of legislation are forthcoming, this Caucus remains committed to ensuring the protection and progression of LGBTQ+ health, safety, and wellbeing in California and beyond.
About the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus
California’s Legislative LGBTQ Caucus was formed in 2002 to create a forum for California Legislators to discuss issues that affect LGBTQ Californians and to further the goal of equality and justice for all Californians. California became the first state in the United States to officially form a caucus of openly-LGBTQ state legislators and continues to be a leader of progress for all Americans. In 2023, our membership hit a new milestone of 12 members, becoming the largest LGBTQ Caucus in the Nation, and continues to remain strong. Despite tremendous progress and an unprecedented swell of support for the LGBTQ community worldwide, there is still much work to do to protect and uplift the most vulnerable in our community. The LGBTQ Caucus strives to advocate for diversity and inclusion of all people, including differently abled bodies. Our Caucus is working diligently to support LGBTQ leaders that represent our community at the local, state, and federal levels.
For more information on the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus’s 2023-24 legislative and budget priorities, please visit https://lgbtqcaucus.legislature.ca.gov/2024-legislative-budget-priorities. For information regarding how to request signature on the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus priority legislation, please contact us: https://lgbtqcaucus.legislature.ca.gov/contact-us.